We established a creative workgroup to make the end credits for episodes 3 to 6 and a poster.

We got a brief from the creators and met them regularly to get feedback and direction.

They were delighted with our work and encouraged us to go further each time.

Check out the results for yourself.

SC Ep3 Credits png.png

SC Ep4 Credits png.png

SC Ep5 Credits png.png

SC Ep6 Credits png.png

MW SC Ad Chads car Final in Show Gif.gif

MW SC Ad Chads car Final in Show.png

Ebbaway by Curtis.png

Watch the videos

End credits for Stoner Cats Episode 3

End credits for Stoner Cats Episode 4

End credits for Stoner Cats Episode 5

End credits for Stoner Cats Episode 6

Read the briefs

Creatives Brief - Electronic ad board - Ep5

Creatives Brief - End Credits Ep4

Designed end credits for Episode 3