📢 📺 Episode 3 dropped on 4/20 at 4:20

🧑‍🎨 The DAO Creatives Circle created the end credits for Episode 3 🎨 🥳 Join the Creative circle chat here on discord.

We need approx. 17 title cards

A collective effort from the DAO and everyone gets an art department credit on the Stoner Cat's IMDb

Text will follow but they also want to make sure you all add your own names within the title sequence and everyone gets an art department credit on the Stoner Cat's IMDb.


NB: Use font that is licensed. Ask if you are not sure. There are many sites with open source fonts. DO NOT USE any copyrighted material.






Audio by Rolfe Kent:




Color palette:

approx~ #e388d4 #a7e170 #a969d8 #70c9da

Color Palette.png

Download Audio:


The text for each frame:

CARD 1 Created by: Chris Cartagena Sarah Cole Ash Brannon

CARD 2 Directed by: Ash Brannon

CARD 3 Executive Produced by: Mila Kunis Lisa Sterbakov Cameron Curtis Sarah Cole Chris Cartagena Ash Brannon

CARD 4 Production Manager: Katie Schwartz

CARD 5 Voiced by: Jane Fonda Ms. Stoner Mila Kunis Fefe Ashton Kutcher Baxter Seth MacFarlane Reginald/Davis Chris Rock Hamilton Gary Vaynerchuk Hash Panda Matt Molkoski Radio DJ Tana Richardson Weather Person

CARD 6 Music by: Rolfe Kent

CARD 7 Story by: Chris Cartagena Sarah Cole Ash Brannon

CARD 8 Screenplay by: Sarah Cole Ash Brannon Chris Cartagena

CARD 9 Animated by: Ghostbot, Inc. Animation Director Alan Lau Animation Producer Corrine Wong Assistant Producer Denise Chan

CARD 10 Lead Animator Aldo Kcomt Animators Denise Chan Eileen Bray Sam Chi Cleanup Denise Chan Kris Lacore-Toscanini Maritza Silvas

CARD 11 Character Layout by: Dan Jeup Additional Animation by: Ash Brannon

CARD 12 Edited by: Sarah Cole

CARD 13 Mixed by: Patrick Clark Sound Edited by: Sarah Cole

CARD 14 Additional Recording by: Mr. Bronx Audio Post Audio Engineer Eric Hoffman Audio Post EP Hanna Choi

CARD 15 End Credits Designed by: Metawood Studios DAO INSERT NAMES HERE

CARD 16 Help from: Maaria Bajwa Morgan Beller And Big Head Club

CARD 17 Special Thanks to: Brendan McNerney

CARD 18 Friends and family who supported Stoner Cats for some weird reason: Ava Jamshidi Nicole McMath Rhonda Cole Dan Cole Katie Schwartz Patty Schwartz Vivek Sharma Daniel Evans Caroline Evans Andrew Leviton Brooke Burgess Scott Mosier

Rufus, Actual Baxter, Tickles, Chief Inspector Hops