These are the current objectives of the DAO. This is a living document that members contribute to. For more information or questions you can contact the DAO and council of cats on discord

Join the Metawood DAO Discord Server!

<aside> 😺 Set up and run by Stoner Cats Owners


Welcome! Let us introduce ourselves.

Hi! We’re the Stoner Cats, and we are the Metawood Studios DAO. We’re all owners of a Stoner Cats NFT, and we’re united in our dream that Hollywood can be decentralized. We’re setting up the tools to give creators more creative freedom and ways to be better rewarded for their work. We’re incorporating a community into the development of art to allow all of us to be content creators.

We work to help bridge the gap between technology, community and the business world primarily in the animation and media space. We believe that this method drives diversity, and will lead to content that not only better represents the creators, but content that aligns with the community and allows everyone to feel empowered to contribute.

In Metawood, our membership is made up of around 5000 (Jan 2022) Ethereum wallets holding 10,420 SC NFTs. SC holders formed the Council of Cats to help get the DAO up and running.

Why we do what we do:

Metawood’s primary reason for forming is to curate and promote the desires of Stoner Cat Holders. Having bought the NFT for the Stoner Cats show the first objective is creative input in the Stoner Cats Show and Stoner Cats universe.

Another core objective from is to co-develop at least one new animation project a year for the next three years with BHC and Orchard Farms. The first project to be co-developed is The Gimmicks. The collaboration involved Metawood promoting the Gimmicks Show, functions and drop in the NFT space and helping to onboard users to Solana and went smoothly. Metawood and Stoner Cats holders continue to be involved in and contribute to The Gimmicks community.

With the destination charted the immediate objectives for the DAO are to put in place tools and procedures to perform community management functions for Stoner Cats.

If we set up good tools and procedures for onboarding communities and helping them manage their creative feedback in an effective way the DAO will offer these services to others and facilitate growing our own production within the framework. This includes onboarding new users to NFTs and curating their ideas and opinions on these shows effectively. The DAO has early mover advantage as this community structure does not widely exist in a decentralised form.

To achieve this:

The DAO has partnered with Finance Dot Vote to help design dapps and DAO tools to help collect and curate the decentralised voting and opinions of many owners (fans of Stoner Cats) into useful feedback for creators.

The opportunity exists because NFTs make transparent electronic voting easy. This voting can also be configured by the community according to it’s needs.

For creative subjective feedback we will use quadratic voting and gather opinions to better reflect the weighted preferences of the voters. Quadratic Voting allows people to allocate votes to express the degree of their preferences, rather than just the direction of their preferences. This all means the results of a vote reflect the intensity of people’s preferences in collective decisions. Using data analysis votes can be structured to give the result that appeals or resonates a lot to most of the people rather than the result that appeals the most to less people. The desired result is better feedback and direction for the Stoner Cats show, the DAO and other shows.

NFTs also facilitate the coordination and cooperation of a brand community.