
Join the discord #governance channel https://discord.gg/Y743mPDH2Z


The needs for now are to prepare a governance solution that allows DAO members to move on-chain assets. The council has already (committed to) spent DAO funds by informal agreement. That needs to be formalized and put on chain so that we have a clear and transparent spending of the DAO funds. The entire DAO membership is not going to get informed on what the best Org tools are but some core team members did and voted (and were delegated authority by other council members aware of the report). To serve the DAO and it's members best, one cat one quadratic vote isn't going to give consistent clear direction for the DAO nor select good Org tools.

Long term solution under discussion: A (possibly un-tradable) token weighted for a person's (wallet and DAO member identity) contributions, locked staking (to demonstrate long term commitment) could be a good solution to the above issue.

To implement governance allocated according to contributions the DAO needs to start being more specific about:

Requirements: the delivery of good contributions to the DAO

Skills: incentivizing

Tools: https://coordinape.com/

Quorum of Stoner Cats NFT holders

Small decisions for now so centralization might work short-term. Transactions only go through if the safe holders approve and sign it.

When the voting numbers increase midterm we can be less centralized. If a proposal passes anyone can sign the transaction, however their should be a time delay so if the proposal is malicious and still passes the proposal can be stopped by the team.

Then long term fully decentralized. Control free; anyone can do anything if they have enough votes


polkadot has a way to enable token holders to stake and receive voting power - Voluntary Locking and there's a growing multiplier for the number of periods locked they also have a "council" to fast track decisions also to look into: Adaptive Quorum Biasing https://wiki.polkadot.network/docs/learn-governance